Why Do You Always Split 8s In Blackjack

Why do you always split 8s in blackjack terms

When you are playing blackjack games in a land based casino or online via a multiplayer or live dealer gaming platform, you are going to end up sitting next to players who are both experienced and inexperienced, and their level of experience will soon become apparent when you take a look at how they are playing off each hand dealt out to them.

Sep 14, 2017 If we are playing a standard game of blackjack, then standard rules stipulate we can generally split our hands up to a maximum of three times, which would mean we would be playing a total of four hands. Having said that, always check the rules before you begin playing either online or at a B&R casino to avoid confusion. It is important to try. “If you’re playing blackjack for $10 a hand and you are dealt two eights and the dealer has a king showing, the book says to split. So you split and you put another $10 up there. Now, there’re gonna give you a card on each eight, which means you have one eight with a card for $10, and another eight with another card for $10.

One way of discovering whether a player you are playing with knows the game of blackjack inside out is in regards to how they will play off a pair of 10 valued cards that are dealt out to them. The correct strategy for playing a pair of 10 valued cards, whether those cards are mixed 10 valued cards or two cards that are the same such as a pair of Kings or a pair of 10’s is to stand those hands.

However, as many games are going to allow you to split unalike 10 valued cards as well as a pair of matching 10 valued cards then the temptation to split those cards will be great for an inexperienced player, more so if the Dealer has on display as his or her up facing card a low valued card such as a 3 or a 6 for example.

You should, as a general rule, always stand any pair of 10’s irrespective of what the Dealer is showing, even if the Dealer has on display an Ace or a 10 valued card then you should always stand your pair of 10 valued cards. The reason for this is that you are highly unlikely to get dealt out an Ace or another 10 valued card to a split card which initially contained a pair of 10 valued cards, and the Dealer is unlikely to beat those hands.

You will of course find that from time to time the Dealer will, after you have make the decision to stand any pair of 10’s manage to match your hand with a 20 valued hand and occasionally the Dealer will beat your hand by getting a 21 valued hand or possibly a Blackjack hand, however never veer off the correct playing strategy for the variant you are playing and that will mean you need to stand every single pair of 10 valued cards dealt out to you.

You will, if you decide to split a pair of 10 valued cards then have to pay an additional stake for the new hand formed with one of those cards, which is going to mean you then are risking twice the amount of money as you originally intended to do. Plus you may then be dealt out an additional 10 card alongside any split 10 valued card and you could then be tempted to split those cards as well, which will mean you incur an even larger cost by having to place an additional stake on the extra hand formed by re-splitting.

One thing to also be aware of in regards to why it is not going to be beneficial for you to split a pair of 10 valued cards is that most variants will have rules in place and also a payout structure that will stipulate if you split any pair of 10 valued cards and one of your split 10 valued cards is then dealt out an Ace card alongside it, those hands are, if they win the game, not going to be paid out at odds of 3 to 2 but instead they will be classed as a standard 21 hand and as such if those hands win the game and beat the Dealers hand your winning payout will be just an even money winning payout.

Blackjack Variants which Call for Players to Split 10’s

The only blackjack game variant which is going to have a perfect playing strategy that will occasionally see you being able to split a pair of 10’s as the correct playing decision is the game of Double Exposure Blackjack.

The Double Exposure Blackjack game is quite different to any other blackjack game you are going to come across either in a land based casino or when playing online. For when you play this game as well as you being dealt out your initial two card hand facing upwards, both of the dealers two initial cards will also be dealt face up.

Always re-split aces or eights if you are dealt a second pair. When you split, the dealer gives you two cards — one for each of the new hands. If this gives you a second pair of aces or eights, treat it as its own hand and split again. Note that this requires you to triple your original bet (splitting the first time requires you to double it). Basic strategy suggests to always split a pair of 8s regardless of the dealer’s upcard. In most cases, this is players’ best move as having a total of hard 16 is a breaking hand. This places them in a very unfavourable position as they can easily go bust. Any card above 5 will cause them to lose the hand if they decide to risk by hitting. Dec 15, 2017 And that’s my explanation of why you should always split aces and 8s when playing blackjack. The dealer’s upcard doesn’t matter in any situation. You’ll either win more money more often or lose less money in the long run. Splitting aces is an aggressive move that increases your winnings dramatically.

That does of course mean you are going to see the value of the Dealers hand at all times, and that major player advantage will mean that there are a limited number of times when you are playing this game that you should chose to split your hand when it contains any pair of 10’s.

If you do start to play Double Exposure Blackjack and you have been dealt out any pair of 10 valued cards and the Dealers two up facing cards are worth a hard 13 valued hand through to a hard 16 valued hand then those are the only times that instead of standing your hand you should choose to split them.

Also if you do play this blackjack game variant and the Dealer gets a 20 valued hand and you have a pair of 10 valued cards then the correct playing move for those hands are that you should hit your hand, that may seem like a risky playing decision to make when you both hand a 20 valued hand but surprisingly it is the correct perfect way of playing a pair of 10’s when the Dealer has a 20 valued hand also.

Please do be aware that in regards to the house edge you will be playing against when playing Double Exposure Blackjack it is a high house edge game and as such even though you get to see just what cards the Dealer is holding you are going to be far better off and have many more winning chances by playing a much lower house edge game instead of the high house edge game of Double Exposure Blackjack.

Splitting 10’s in a Las Vegas Casino

Since I’ve gone through all the serious reasons of why splitting 10’s is a sucker move I thought I would finish this article with a fun story from when I visited a Las Vegas casino a couple of years ago.

I was staying at the Planet Hollywood in Vegas and decided to try out their blackjack games so I sat down at a table that had a single seat open. After playing a couple of hands one of the other players at the table gets dealt two tens against the dealers 5 and decides to split his cards. The whole table (myself excluded) then proceeds to mock this player for the rest of his session calling him names like sucker and “tourist”.

Now if the -EV from doing this split doesn’t deter you from making this move you should probably still avoid it in order not to be mocked by your fellow players for the duration of your session.


Even players with little or no knowledge of basic strategy in blackjack understand one thing:

You always split aces and 8s in blackjack.

Of course, you can always find contrarians who disagree with everything, no matter how solid the math behind it is. This post is for people who want to understand in detail why you should always split aces and 8s in blackjack.

A Pair of Aces in Blackjack Is a Soft Total of 12

I don’t know a single blackjack player who gets excited about having a hard or soft total of 12. It’s a hand that’s going to bust a lot of the time when you hit it, because there are at least 16 cards worth 10 points in the deck. (That’s almost 1/3 of the cards in the deck.)

On the other hand, if the 1st card of a hand is worth 11 points, you stand a good chance (1/3 again) of winding up with a total of 21. Even if the game doesn’t pay off at 3 to 2 for blackjack after splitting, that’s still an excellent hand that the dealer probably won’t beat. The best the dealer can do is push.

The thing about splitting, though, is that you must put up another bet. Low rollers who are under-bankrolled sometimes don’t like this. They don’t WANT to risk additional money on a single hand, even if that hand becomes 2 new hands.

They’re making a mistake, and a big one. Not splitting aces does serious damage to the house edge for the game.

In fact, the house is so convinced of how strong a play this is that they have strict rules about what you can do after splitting. For example, you’re not allowed to take more than one additional card after splitting aces. And no one understands the math behind these casino games than the casinos themselves, trust me.

Casinos also usually restrict you from doubling down after splitting. You usually can’t resplit aces if you get another ace again, either.

None of those minor rules variations, matter, though. It’s still always the correct strategy to split a pair of aces at the blackjack table.

A Pair of 8s in Blackjack Is a Hard Total of 16

If you think blackjack players are unenthusiastic about a total of 12, watch them shift uncomfortably in their chairs when they have a hard total of 16. There’s no good way to play a hard total of 16. If you stand, the dealer will probably beat you with a higher total. If you hit, you’ll probably bust.

But when you have a pair of 8s, you get to start 2 new hands, both of which have an 8 as their starting hand. 1/3 of the time, you’ll get a 10, which will make your new total a hard 18, which is a respectable hand for any blackjack player in almost any situation.

Also, even if you don’t get a 10, you might get an ace, which gives you a total of 19—which is, of course, even better than a total of 18.

Why Do You Always Split 8s In Blackjack

Even if you get a 9, your hand improves to a 17, which is respectable, if not ideal.

Why should you always split 8

Most casinos don’t have the same restrictions that apply to your “after-splitting” hands, too.

When Do You Deviate from Basic Strategy When It Comes to Splitting Aces and 8s

If you’re not counting cards, you NEVER deviate from basic strategy when it comes to splitting aces and 8s. Most of the time, even if you ARE counting cards, you still always split aces and 8s.

But there are exceptions if you’re counting cards.

If your count is negative and the dealer has an 8, 9, or 10 showing, you just hit the aces instead of splitting them.

Why is this?

When the count is negative, it means that there aren’t as many 10s left in the deck. Part of what gives splitting aces its kick is the possibility of getting that total of 21.

You run the risk of turning a single likely loser into 2 likely losers with twice as much money in action.

If the count is positive, you will sometimes not split a pair of 9s. If the dealer has a 9 or 10 showing in this situation, he’s more likely to have a 10 in the hole. (That’s what the positive count means, after all.) This means you’re probably facing a 19 or 20.

When you split those 8s, yes, you’ll probably get a couple of hands that total 18.

But that does you little good against a 19 or 20.

And remember—those are only correct decisions if you’re counting cards and know what you’re doing.

Why Do You Always Split 8s In Blackjack Winnings

An Argument against Splitting Aces in Certain Situations

Suppose the dealer is showing a 10, and you have 2 aces.

Most people assume that the dealer’s down card is also a 10, so you’re probably facing a dealer total of 20.

If you split those aces, the only way to win both those hands is by getting a 10 in each of them. The probability of that is less than 1/3 for each, or about 1/9 for both of them.

Why Should You Always Split 8's In Blackjack

What this argument misses is that a soft total of 12 is no fun to play in that situation, either. Sure, you don’t have to invest extra money to get those extra cards, but the trade-off just plain isn’t worth it.


When it comes to blackjack, you should always follow basic strategy—except when you shouldn’t.

Why Do You Always Split 8s In Blackjack Machine

Of course, the only time you shouldn’t is when you’re counting cards. In rare cases when you’re counting, you’ll deviate from basic strategy.

And one of the 1st rules of basic strategy is that you ALWAYS split aces and 8s.

That’s an easy one to remember.

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